Monday, July 16, 2007

Questionnaire tag

Here are my answers to Blue Devil Knight’s questionnaire tag.
I tag Atomic Patzer, that let me know this interesting questionnaire.

1. How long have you been playing chess? Have you played it consistently since you started, or were there lulls in your play? How did these lulls affect your performance?
I started tournament play 2 years ago. I played and I will play it consistently because I want to demonstrate that even if I started too late I can still become a GM!
2. Aside from playing games, what is your primary mode of training?
I do a lot of tactical training with Chess Tactics Server and CT-Art3.0; and I read books, analyzing GM games.
3. What is the single most helpful method of improvement that you have ever used?
Tactics exercices. I wanna become a machine!!!
4. What is your favorite opening to play as white? As black against e4? As black against d4?
I played only 1.e4 so far, but I'm studying 1.d4 Kasparov-way now. Against 1.e4 the Sicilian, usaually the Najdorf or the Hyper-Accelerated Dragon; against d4 the King's Indian Defense and the Grunfeld -studying the Nimzo-Indian now
5. Who is your favorite chess player and why?
Kasparov. He's simply the 'greatest player ever in the history of the game'. His concentration, tactical virtuosism, opening preparation are simply matchless.
6. What is your favorite chess book?
'Kasparov Teaches Chess'. For his personal value, as it was my first chess book.
7. What book would you recommend for a friend who knows only the rules of chess?
I recommend 'Kasparov Teaches Chess' to the beginners, it shows you how the really good players play chess and give advices about training.
8. Do you play in in-person tournaments? What is your favorite tournament experience?
Yes I play in OTB tournaments. The tournament where I liked the atmosphere and the people was Erba 2006. But the torunaments where I played better was Melegnano 2006, where I made any tipe of risky moves and I won games after games (I closed with 6 out of 7).
9. Please give us a link to what you consider your best two blog posts (on your own blog).
I started my blogs today, and I do not consider one of my posts to be better than the others. I'll update this statement in the next few weeks!
10. What proportion of total chess time should be spent studying openings for someone at your level?
I think no more than 20%. I spend the remaining time on tactics tactics tactics!!!
But I don't read opening books, I study openings analyzing GM games.


Blue Devil Knight said...

Great to see you jumping into the blogosphere with both feet!

Best of luck in your persuit of chess excellence.

Nobis said...

Thank you! please vote in the poll!!